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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 24, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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trending across the globe. might have had the emmys over here, but down under all the awards glitz was at the australian football league's night of knights. the red carpet at the afl awards always gets the aussies talking, as do the outfits. here's socialite bren elston. she's got her own reality tv show coming out. unsurprisingly, tweets rolled out about the outfit. this one comparing it to a collision between an ostreich and a disco ball. ouch. one tweeter was a bit nicer saying i enjoy her. she washes over you like a strawberry scented glitter cloud. i don't know what that means. this hour we are focussing on the first presidential debate. that is coming up in ten days.
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birth control for 13 earliers and spend telling u.n. general assembly. we want to get to it. it is down to crunch time and the presidential race. election just 42 days away. first debate is in nine days. romney says he is going to run on his record while challenging the president's record. the criticism of romney by fellow conservatives led to a heated back and forth. >> which side are you on? >> the "wall street journal" editorial page, laura ingram, rush limbaugh. i can go on and on. >> rush limbaugh -- >> if you want to blame the media for mitt romney's inept campaign bsh peggy noonan it said best, this is a nightmare of a campaign, and the most troubling thing is that it's not that a lot of us republicans don't think he can win. we do believe he can win, but when he says he has no need to
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turn this campaign around after a disastrous week where you see ohio slipping away, wisconsin slipping away, iowa slipping away, michigan slipping away. that is a political concern. not an idealogical concern. that is a political concern. >> political editor paul steinhouser joining us live. the talk shows over the weekend really extraordinary when you watch them and see the kind of back and forth, really the split within the republican party people outside of romney's campaign and goes inside of the campaign saying, look, do we need to make a course correction? mitt romney says so far no. how do they get beyond that? how do they move beyond what you have weeks away now, and he is now behind, seriously behind, in some of these polls? >> he sure is, and a lot of these polls bsh polls can change. we have over six weeks to go. mitt romney talking about the polls and says basically he likes the position he is in. he says basically he is within the sampling in a lot of these surveys. as for what he is going to do, well, the campaign says we're going to see more of mitt. basically that. more of mitt romney on the campaign trail, and more of mitt
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romney and his running mate paul ryan spelling out what they would do especially to help the middle class. romney was asked about this on an interview on "60 minutes" on cbs. take a listen. >> i wonder if any of that criticism gets through to you and whether you're concerned about it at all, whether it -- >> that's not the campaign. that was me, right? that's not a campaign. i've got a very effective campaign. it's doi doing a very good job, but not everything i say is elegant, and i want to make it very clear. i want to help 100% of the american people. >> the candidate's wife, ann romney, was more blunt last week telling republicans to cut it out with the criticism. >> basically telling them to knock it off, that this is not an easy job to run for president. we heard also from the president on "60 minutes" over the weekend talking about the one thing that a lot of people see as a potential failure, and that is changing the tone in washington, and here's how he responded. >> in eh all i think that as
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president i bare responsibility for everything to some agree, and one of the things i realized over the last two years is that that only happens if i'm enlisting the american people much more aggressively than i did the first two years. >> is he actually talking about or is the campaign talking about getting over in terms of dealing with republicans in congress, because he had a democratic majority, both houses. the house and the senate, the fist two years. he has had a lot of pushingback from republicans. how did he do that if he, in fact, wins? >> it's going to be tough because we don't know what's going to happen in the battle from the senate and the battle for the house, and he may have a republican dominated congress next time neck year if he is re-elected. you know, it's interesting. those comments by the president and we heard him last week as well say one of his biggest disappointments from his first term is he p hasn't been able to change the culture right here in washington from the inside. the romney campaign was very quick to criticize him on that, and they've been pushing back as well on some of the other things
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he said in that "60 minutes" interview. for the president let's be honest. if he does win re-election, he may face some of the same problems he has faced these past few years with a republican dom made house. >> i noticed you have this back and forth, this game of setting low expectations, if you will, for both romney and the president saying i think the other guy is doing better in this debate. how important is it when you have nine days out before these two face off head-to-head? >> this is what you do in politics. you try to lower expectations, and then if you do better, you say you won. you know, though, for mitt romney, i think more is on the line at these debates because look at the poll numbers. he is trailing a small -- by a small amount, but he is trailing the president. take a look at this. this is from earlier this month. we asked who is going to win the debates? you can see among likely voters, a lot more people think president obama than mitt romney. suzanne. >> yeah. and that might not be a good thing for them because they're trying to lower the expectations. we'll see how it goes. >> lowering. >> thank you, paul. movers, shakers from
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business, government foundations, they're all meeting in new york right now to tackle some of the world's toughest problems. this is the clinton global initiative that we are talking about bringing people together. more than 1,000 leaders from around the rld. secretary of state hillary clinton spoke earlier at this event. this event, of course, convened by her husband, former president bill clinton. she talked about the reaction to some of the recent protests over an anti-islam video. >> the people of the arab world did not set out to trade the tyrammy of a dictator for the tyranny of a mob. there is no dignity in that. the people of benghazi sent this message loudly and clearly on friday when they forcefully rejected the extremists many their midst and reclaimed the honor and dignity of a courageous city. we want to bring in our foreign affairs correspondent jill dougherty to talk a little bit about this, and honestly,
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jill, there is a different tone to these meetings now after you see these anti-american draegs across the middle east. i know that the secretary, she had a chance to meet with the president of pakistan. do we know anything about what came of that because there were some pretty significant protests over the weekend out of pakistan. >> you know, suzanne, this issue event video really is kind of overshadowing a lot of what's going on. it's not just the video. it's what happens to these arab spring countries now that they've gone through a year, year and a half of being free and moving toward democracy. it's a very rocky road. i was just saying that the sound that came from the president. he said one or two insane people should not be allowed to endanger world peace in the garb of freedom of expression. the issue that i kind of complicating is in the west, things are allowed that might not be allowed in other countries. especially in the middle east.
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so that is one of the complications that secretary of state clinton has in explaining the u.s. position, and that's the way it functions in many countries in the west. >> it really is a balance that she has to strike there, jill. that's a really important point. what does she think she's going to get out of that meeting, specifically with the leader of libya in light of the fact that you had the u.s. ambassador, chris stevens, killed, assassinated, just the week prior. >> yes, exactly. it's a very, very sensitive time. you know, as in most of these countries, it went through the arab spring. what she's going to try to do is make sure that the government, the government of libya and there are other new governments as well -- in fact, libya, egypt, tunisia, and yemen all have new governments, and the idea that she's trying to get across is that they should
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encourage people being able to express themselves, but that it should not turn violent. we should make the distinction, there's the clinton global initiative, and, of course, you also have the united nations general assembly and got all those world leaders that she's meeting on the side. is there any back lak lash from the world leaders that they're not meeting with president obama but they're meeting with the secretary of state. >> of course, there was one backlash from benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, who is not getting a meeting with president obama, but some of the other leaders realize that this is a campaign season in the united states, and president obama in a sense because it is so delicate is not going to be meeting with other leaders. hillary clinton will, and she
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has a lot of very specific things that she wants to discuss with him. >> and she has a lot of clout as well. jill dougherty, thank you. good to see you, as always. as we mention, the clinton global initiative is coinciding with the u.n. general assembly. one of the controversial speakers that we anticipate, of course, the iranian president who will be speaking on wednesday, diplomatic relations with iran at an all-time low now. canada even closed its embassy calling iran and its ties to terror the most significant threat to global security today. our piers morgan spoke with the running president mahmoud ahmadinejad. he asked what he thought of the death of osama bin laden. >> were you pleased that osama bin laden was killed by american movie seals on the instructions of president obama? >> i would have been happier to see a transparent trial, a formal trial, and find out the root causes of all of the events
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of the last few wreerz. >> you can see the full interview with the iranian president on piers morgan tonight. that is 9:00 eastern time right here on cnn. here's what we're working on for this hour. high school students in new york are getting birth control and morning after pills, and their parents may not even know about it. plus, the money behind institution institution general assembly. world leaders are arriving in style. think bentley's, presidential suites, and expensive clothes. and when it comes to gun control, mitt romney and president barack obama are not so far apart as far as action on the issue. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up.
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[ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. some new york high schools are also offering students morning after pills and other birth control drugs, and the parents they might not have any idea. it's all part of a pilot program started last year to help stop teen pregnancies. alina cho is joining us from new york. alina, first of all, can you explain to us because it's a little hard to understand how it is that the parents wouldn't even be notified or know about what is going on.
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>> yeah. a lot of people are asking that question. good to see you. you know, this pilot program is called catch, which actually could be the first of its kind in the nation. it's been quietly going on since january of last year. that's until the story broke here in new york over the weekend. so far morning 1,100 students in 13 high schools have been given birth control pills, amazingly, including the so-called morning after pill known as plan b. now, the city department of health says the schools in the program were picked because the students there were known to have a higher risk of getting pregnant. and lower access to health care. now, one of the schools involved, listen to this, actually dropped out of the program because students were overloading the medical office, and the most surprising part about all of this, suzanne, of course, is that many parents may be clueless about it. this is the important part that you need to know. the children here do not need permission from their parents to get the pills. the default is they're allowed to get them unless the parents
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opt out of the program by signing a letter. the question is are the parents getting the letter? we are told that the letter was both mailed and sent home with students, but we know how teenagers are and, of course, if they want to keep that information from their parents, they're going to find a way to do it. the department of health says, though, month more than 2% of parents at each school sent those letters back. it would stand to reason that that number might be higher if more parents actually saw the letter. we should also tell you that under federal law kids under 18 do need a prescription for plan b. as you know, suzanne, plan b can be bought over-the-counter, otherwise, if you are an adult. so how are they getting around that? health department doctors are actually giving them those prescriptions. according to the cdc and the new york city health department and these numbersering, 46% of new york city teens have had sexual intercourse. p,000 girls get pregnant by the age of 17 wlsh nine out of ten of those pregnancies are
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unplanned, this is the important part that city officials want you to know. seven out of ten of those teen mothers actually drop out of school as a result. the new york city health department released a statement saying, in part, we are committed to trying new approaches like this pilot program in place since january of 2011 to improve a situation that can have negative consequences that, can last a lifetime, and suzanne, we just got a statement from the mayor of new york city michael bloomberg. he is saying, in part, the good news is we brought teen pregnancy down by 25% in the last ten years. the bad news is there is still an awful lot of girls that get pregnant at an early age, when history shows it's difficult to raise a child and give the child the care it needs when the parent is young and hasn't had the experience of adulthood. the parents who don't turn -- the children can receive birth control without any kind of
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further parental consent. how do the parents did fn these areas react to this program? >> as you can imagine, some of them are quite angry about it. others say teens will be teens. we actually found some of those parents, and we spoke to them earlier today. let's listen. >> if my child was -- if my daughter was ae minor, yes, i would want -- i would want to know if she did the plan b. >> i think kids are going to get into trouble, so at least the school can help them out some. >> i think that's absolutely fine. kids are going to have sex. they've always had sex. they should have birth control available to them. >> so no surprise there, suzanne, and no shortage of opinions on the streets of new york city right outside our studios. this is a story that's getting a lot of attention in new york and certainly now across the country. >> i can imagine. very controversial.
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>> we're want taking about fashion week. we are actually talking about the money that is behind the united nations general assembly. world leaders, they are spending millions at the ritzy hotels and the restaurants. that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. for the spender who needs a little help saving. for adding "& sons." for the dreamer, planning an early escape. for the mother of the bride. for whoever you are, for whatever you're trying to achieve, pnc has technology, guidance, and over 150 years of experience
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zeerchlgs leertdz from around the worldcom to the u.n. this week for the annual session of the general assembly. they'll be spending a whole lot of money in new york. they're talking about highend retailers, restaurants, are gearing up for what will be the most profitable time of the we're. allison is tracking down all the dollars, and where although bling is. this is a big deal for new york, yeah? >> it really is. you know, some of the prices, let's say, for hoelgss are set, but some do wind up charging more this time of year, but, yes, new york city's hotels and restaurants, they are definitely raking in the cash this week for the u.n. general assembly. we did call some of new york's finest hotels where some of the visiting dignitaries can stay and check out some nice prices for the presidential suite. would you pay $30,000 a nice at the plaza, suzanne?
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come on. or $21,000 for the st. regis. this is per night. this is crazy, if you ask me. some of the smaller hotels closer to the u.n., they're also doing quite nicely. one tells us it usually charges $509 for its best room. this week it's going for $645 because rooms in general, suzanne, are booked solid across new york city. you know, this time a year ago when the u.n. g.a. was in town, hotel occupancy hit 92% of the city. that's the highest of any point from july through october, and, yes, you see this ripple effect. restaurants, dry cleaners, they get a bump too when the unga is in town. i can imagine car service dozen as well. they get a nice bump. you see the stretch limos and mercedes piling up around town. i find this really ironic because so many, suzanne, of the dignitaries are from impoverished nations. yet, they're so thrifty with their spend whenning they get here. suzanne. >> yeah. you know, i don't suppose there's any miles or any points that you can use for any of
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those presidential suites anywhere in town. >> i don't think so. >> a lot of people debate this, whether or not it's even worth it to have the u.n. hosted by new york. i mean, you've got the traffic. there are the headaches. of course, you have all that money that's pouring into the city. what goes into that when they say we'll do this again another year. >> it's true. you have the money coming in to the city. there are costs as well. look at security alone. the cost is in the moultz of dollars. you look back at 2010 or the most recent figures we got. police commissioner ray kelli estimated security costs for the unga were anywhere from $5 million to $7 million. the nypd has yet to get back to us with current costs. aside from the costs surrounding the week, some scholars also believe all the luxury of new york city can really be a big distraction for visiting diplomats. one nyu professor says maybe if the u.n. weren't in new york city, diplomats would actually focus more on policy issues than all the glitz and glamour and broadway, but no question about
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it, i have to tell you, you know, the business is positive for new york city. the city says having the u.n. located here adds about $2.3 5 billion, with a b, to the local economy. >> you're right. they might get more done if they sat down and, you know, in the middle of the woods somewhere and said let's hash this out. thank you. >> yeah. if you are one of 12 million americans who are out of work, have you actually considered driving a truck? well, in this week's smart is the new rich, christine romans looks at theemand for drivers. >> reporter: help wanted. must love the open road, sleeping in tight quarters, and 26,000 pounds beneath your feet. sounds good for wade. >> i got hired to drive a truck. >> out of work for a few years, he went from home building to trucking. the reason? it's where the jobs are. >> i have been through several recession and thought i was building homes since jimmy carter was president, for crying out loud, and things were bad then, but they're terrible now
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in that industry. >> breaker 19. breaker 19. >> movies like convoy and smoky and the bandit where the image of drubbing drivers in the past, but a weak job market has brought out a different applicant. >> i do get people from all walks of life. i've had teachers, ex-lawyers, ex-accountants. >> the money is there. nearly $38,000 a year for heavy long haul truckers, and the top 10% make more than $58,000. it's supply and demand. a rebounding economy means more freight to move and more jobs to fill. about 200,000 long haul trucking jobs are open nationwide to add to the 1.5 million drivers on the road now. like mcjobs and retail sales, truck driving is an occupation that's growing. more than 300,000 long haul trucking jobs are expected to be added between 2010 and 2020. prime trucking is hiring. >> i can put a couple hundred people to work this next week. the demand for our services is there. it's the qualified people that's
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a challenge. >> those qualifications include a commercial driver's license, which can cost thousands of dollars and weeks of certification courses. there are also safety concerns. >> safety is absolutely vital. >> and the trucker lifestyle can also hold some back from applying. >> it is a 24-7. you are making a big commitment. >> reporter: prime is trying to recruit by offering certification and training on site for free. >> the cost here is zero. we're training them. we want to help that person who is making that career change or choosing an initial career. >> reporter: gerald is being trained. both switched careers to trucking after being laid off. >> they were looking to cut costs, and i was the downfall from this t. >> got laid off at the beginning of the year, and i needed something to take care of my family. >> reporter: while the days are long -- >> i am probably gone probably 45 weeks out of the year. >> reporter: for alan and gerald, trucking is more than a job. >> you get a chance to go just many some phenomenal areas, you
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know, of the country driving. that is the beauty of this job. >> i really love to be a truck driver. i really do. >> reporter: christine romans, cnn, new york. the day the music died. the chicago symphony orchestra is now on strike. they're demanding more money and better health care. sound familiar? well, don't forget, you can watch cnn live on your computer, while you're at work and at americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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first chicago's teachers, but now the city's musicians are now on strike. >> that was the chicago symphony orchestra. last week it was a bit different. instead this was the scene. musicians were picketing outside. they say they are concerned about contract changes to salary and health care benefits. >> gre day's lead singer billy joe armstrong now getting help for substance abuse problems according to the band, that is. the announcement after
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armstrong's on stage meltdown. that's right. during the show in vegas, take a look. [ bleep ] joking. [ bleep ]. joke. i got one man left. oh, now i got nothing left. now i got nothing left. let me show you what [ bleep ] is. >> all right. after he destroyed the guitar, he tossed the remains into the crowd, flashed the middle finger, walked off stage. apparently angry because he thought he had to cut the performance short. the band now says the set was not cut short. they apologized to those who he offended. green day has received three grammys since the punk band first broke into the scene. that was nearly 20 years ago.
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>> there are some gray areas when it comes to gun control as wrl. >> when it comes to gun control, those on the extreme of the debate see it in one of two ways. on one side gun control is the threat to allah-abiding gun owners and the right to protect themselves, but on the other side gun control is the only way to stem gun violence and prevent the tragedies of colorado's movie theater massacres and those temple shootings. where did the candidates stand in when it cams to the second amendment both president obama and challenger mitt romney say yes they support it. >> i believe in the second amendment. i believe in people's lawful right to bare arms. >> i will protect the second amendment rights of the american people. >>. >> president obama attempting to pacify critics from the national rifle association. >> i will not take your shotgun away. i will not take your rifle away. i won't take your handgun away.
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>> the fact he hasn't tried doesn't make ate the nra with unsubstantiated warnings back in 2008. >> all that first term lip service to gun ornlz, it is just part of a massive obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions, to destroy the second amendment during his second term. romney spoke at this year's convention. it's a switch for the ones tough on guns guns governor. consider the stault weapons ban. president obama is a yes, but with an astericks. mr. romney moves from a yes to a no. here's why. candidate rom says owe opposes any new laws. >> we need a president that will enforce current laws and only serve to lawful gun orz. >> mr. obama stressed the need for a ban on assault weapons.
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so that's a yes. >> a lot of gun owners would agree that ak-47s belong in the hands of soldiers and not in the hands of criminals. >> the reason obama's yes has an astericks is that in four years no new gun control laws have been enacted. in fact, under obama's watch consealed weapons are now allowed on amtrak trains and in national parks. >> we continue to pay lip service to those things, but he hasn't shown real leadership in pursuing those changes. >> reporter: yes, background checks have gotten more thorough under obama for people legally buying guns in gun shops. but the big problem remains gun shows and the internet. specifically, unlicensed dealers selling firearms to buyers with no background check needed. governor romney says no to any further regulation of gun shows.
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>> there's no particular change in law that's going to keep people who are intent on doing harm from doing harm. >> the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent crinals and fugitives from purchasing weapons. >> while president obama says he wants tougher gun laws, little was done during his first term. republican challenge romney has done more in the past, but now says it's enough. both candidates apparently not so different now when it comes to gun control. debra, cnn, new york. glths glitzy dresses, big winners, even a twitter prank by jimmy kimmel. was it a success? the reviews are in. your mascara may be voluminous but will it last.
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lashblast 24hr with anti smudge power will last through all your drama. who knew lashes this big could last this long. lashblast 24hr from covergirl.
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big surprises and some familiar winners. plus, jimmy kimmel as host. we have all the highlights. >> welcome to the 64th primetime emmy awards. >> reporter: like the categories they honor the 64th annual emmy awards were filled with drama. >> oh mishgs dpod. >> comedy. >> i front of my glasses. for many the reality that they won the biggest award in television. >> julie ann moore. >> four-time oscar nominee and six-time golden globe nominee julieamn moore is now a primetime emmy winner. she took home one of game changes for statues. >> i feel so validated because sarah palin gave me a big thumbs down. >> modern family. >> for a third straight year reigning king of comedy modern family did it again winning a total of four emmys, including best comedy series, supporting actress for julie and supporting actor for eric stonestreet. >> i never knew i would be on tv as a gay man, but i lot of the pictures of harry chests, you
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guys are sending me. >> two and a half men star john crier and beebs julia luis-dreyfes took home -- >> after four consecutive wins "mad men" was dethroned by showtime's appreciateman powerhouse "homeland" for the top drama prize. it stars damian lewis and a pregnant claire danes who both won for lead acting honors. >> my husband, my love, my life, my baby daddy. this doesn't mean anything without you. >> while his late night show jimmy kimmel live didn't end up winning a prize for an outstanding variety series, the comedian did deliver on his promise to host the emmys with a twist. >> i would like the people who are at home watching the emmys right now to help me pull a bill big prank on the people who are not watching. >> the late night funny man asked the audience and viewers at home to post tweets and facebook messages indicating that 30 rock star tracy morgan had passed out on stage. >> just lie there for about, i
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don't know, ten minutes or so. >> okay. >> instead of kimmel, it was once again the daily show with john stewart that won its tenth variety series emmy in a row. >> years from now when the earth is just a burning husk and aliens visit, they will find a box of these, and they will know just how predictable these [ bleep ] are. >> laughter, tears, talent, and cheers. tv's golden night once again reminded millions of what host jimmy kimmel has known all along. >> i got to get out less. >> out less. she's joining us from l.a. you look great, by the way. love that dress. what are people saying about jim where i kimmel's performance? >> you know, mixed reviews. mostly positive, though. kimmel has already gotten a thumbs up from the hollywood reporter, huffington post, entertainment weekly. not so much from usa today. they actually panned his performance and i'm quoting here
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calling him "the wrong guy at the wrong place." kind of harsh. you know, we're still waiting for the ratings, the official numbers to come in, but i watched it. i thought he was great. people have to remember it's a tough stage. it's a tough gig. you know? i think he had some really hilarious moments. i don't know, suzanne. i think he will be invited back. let's see how he does. >> always a tough crowd as well. all right. >> it is. >> good to see you. well, one survivor said when he stopped rolling, he was neck deep in snow. an after lark sweeps two dozen hikers from one of the highest peaks in the world. we'll look at the weather conditions that are now complicating the search. hey, i love your cereal there --
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it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. i'm also a survivor of ovarian a writand uterine cancers. i even wrote a play about that. my symptoms were a pain in my abdomen and periods that were heavier and longer than usual for me. if you have symptoms that last two weeks or longer, be brave, go to the doctor. ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. symptoms are not the same for everyone. i got sick...and then i got better.
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>> search has been sunshineded for three mountain climbers after a deadly avalanche killed eight on sunday. it happened near katmandu and the world's eighth highest peak. it is believed the avalanche might have been triggered when the piece of ice the size of six or seven football fields fell from a melting glacier. survivors say they managed to break open their tents as ice and snow was piling on. they rolled hundreds of feet in the snow to get away. we're bringing in our chad myers to talk a little bit about monsoon season in nepal and whether or not that had nowing anything it to do with what happened here. it's tranlic. >> i believe it did. there are two climbing seasons. we have one climbing season. ut about twor two for this peak. one before the snow and the rain begins, and then one after the snow and the rain stops. just last week after this most
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of the monsoon was over, another batch of snow happened above these climbers, and ethwe'll the snow came tumbling down, literally right on top of them. they're having some trouble getting up there because it is so very high. 24,000 feet in the air. can't really fly helicopters up there very well. not much air for those rotors to catch. here's the united states. we'll fly you around to the other side and show you where all this is. katmandu right here. the very just top of the world right here from manslu, and here's katmandu, and they're right up here along the peach. very, very high ridges here. a lot of snow this year happened there with the monsoon season. not so much rain fell where they needed it in the growing regions, but there's the top of the mountain, and they were so very close. you know, we had over a couple hundred people on the mountain this year heading up to the peak, and it's not a difficult peak compared to some like a k-2 climb. not like i'm a climber, but i'm told it's not a very bad climb, and they are waiting to get up to do the final peak up to the top and then all of a sudden the
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snow came down at one hour before day break, so it was completely dark when the snow and ice came crumbling. >> what actually causes these av larchlgz? could this have been avoided in some way? >> i don't think so. you know, in america here we shoot big rockets and old bombs into where we think av larchlgz could happen, and we create the avalanches in a hurry before they could hurt anybody. we know where they're coming. we know what they can do. up here when you are up this high, there's nothing more that you could do. they probably knew this snow was loaded up there. they were taking the chance. they were already on the mountain. at that point in time you are only a day or two from making the summit. you aren't going to turn around at that point many time. i'm sure they had no idea that snow was up there. otherwise, they would have camped in a different spot. they were in a camp right below this ledge that came crashing down. >> oh, tragic. chad, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. breast cancer used to be considered a single disease, but there's now a new study that says some breast cancers are a lot like ovarian cancer, and that could lead to new treatments. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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one doctor calls it a road map for curing breast cancer in the future. a comprehensive analysis of breast cancer found there are important genetic differences in types of breast cancer could lead to new ways to fight it. want to bring in our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen to explain this and how significant this is. what did they find, first of all? >> what they did was really fascinating. they took 800 something women with breast cancer and they mapped the genes of the cancer, not the women's genes but the cancer's genes and what they found was that there is some really distinct differences between different cancers, so much so that the way they're expressing it is that the genes may be more important than the location. because usually you say we treat breast cancer like this, we treat ovarian cancer like that, thyroid cancer like that, maybe the genetic makeup is more important than where they find the cancer.
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so, for example, they find that some breast cancers may genetically be more like ovarian cancers and maybe ovarian cancer treatments would be more helpful for those types of breast cancer treatments. they're hoping this is a road map that will lead them down to new and much more specific ways of treating breast cancer. >> what do you do with this information? is this information that can be used now? is it something that is later on down the road? >> it is later on down the road. and you don't want it now. so let's say doctors said, gee, this breast cancer genetically is more like an ovarian canc, let's give it the ovarian cancer treatment. that might work, but it might also hurt the woman. you want to do clinical trials, you want to do this in an organized, scientific fashion. that does not happen overnight. so you can't go to your doctor now and say, hey, i hear they did this incredible gene mapping, can you do it for me and will act on it? not on what they found in this study. first of all, most places can't do this kind of mapping. it is very intricate.
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but it hopefully will be important later on down the road. >> how significant is this now in terms of treatment? >> right now, what they're finding -- what they found now is not significant in terms of treatment this minute. if you went to your oncologist this minute and said i read this fabulous story, i want that treatment, they wouldn't be able to do it. it just allows them to think about doing clinical trials and saying, women that have breast cancer that genetically looks like an ovarian cancer, let's try that and see what happens. that's the stage that they're at, they're thinking about doing those types of studies. you don't want them to rush into it. i said it could actually hurt someone you want them to do this in a very studied way, not in a quick way. >> sure. is it a complicated test? >> it is a complicated test. there aren't a whole lot of places that can do it. so there is some simple genetic tests that your doctor might be able to do now on breast cancer -- on your breast cancer, but this kind of complicated very comprehensive thing is tough to do.
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>> all right. elizabeth cohen, thank you. good to see you as always. to learn more about cancer treatment and become an empowered patient, head over to and comedians have a great time making fun of politicians on "snl." going to play some of that next. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. romney: "it's time to stand up to the cheaters" vo: tough on china? not mitt romney. when a flood of chinese tires threatened a thousand american jobs... it was president obama who stood up to china and protected american workers. mitt romney attacked obama's decision... said standing up to china was "bad for the nation and our workers." how can mitt romney take on the cheaters... when he's taking their side?
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thanks to flexpen, vial and syringe are just a memory. ask your doctor about novolog mix 70/30 flexpen, covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at presidential race, keeping the late night comedians laughing all the way to election day. romney campaign, its recent problems providing some material for "snl" over the weekend and vice president obama, sit back and watch. >> why are you saying anything during this romney tail spin? let's review. on monday, a secret tape is released where romney insults half country and then that same day he stands by those remarks. on wednesday, he does a town hall for hispanics in brown face. and friday, paul ryan gets booed by the aarp. and then instead of just enjoying that, you go, hey, everybody, remember my campaign slogan, yeah, i can't do that.
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don't make this hard on yourself, you're, like the criminal who gets away with murder and then starts sending the cops puzzles to figure it out. >> "snl" making fun of the undecided voters. take a listen. >> before you get our vote, you're going to have to answer some questions. questions like -- >> when is the election? how soon do we have to decide? >> what are the names of the two people running? and be specific. >> who is the president right now? is he or she running? because if so, experience is maybe something we should consider. >> yeah. i guess. hit cartoon of the '60s "the jetsons" made its debut about 50 years ago and, well, check it out, here is what the future looked like in 1962. ♪
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♪ meet george jetson >> the original show lasted only a season. the same 24 episodes were played over and over again. remade in the '80s. i don't know about you, brooke, but i thought there would be robots we would have, or the jetting around, it didn't happen. >> not yet, suzanne malveaux. not yet. i'm still waiting for my flying card. we shall see. thank you so much. i'll take it from here. good to see you here at the top of the hour on "cnn newsroom." we begin, 43 days out from the november 6th election, let's talk politics right now in a battleground state is mitt romney, speaking in pueblo, colorado. right now, to give you some background, we'll listen in, he's ticking off the five things he says he can do to reignite the economy. here he is. >> -- get jobs, but also manufacturing will come back here because there will be lower costs and plentiful. and, by the way, it will be less expensive for the american homeowner because electricity will be less expensive and gasoline will be less expensive
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if we're creating more oil right here. so that's number one. energy. number two, trade. trade is good for us. we sell a lot of stuff around the world. i want to open up new markets for trade. i want to make sure that as we do so, the trade works for us, though, so when we put together agreements, they're not agreements that favor the other guys, they make sure they favor us at least as much as it does them. if it is countries like china that cheat, i will stop it. we cannot allow them to steal american jobs unfairly. number three, number three, i want to make sure our workers have the skills to succeed in the jobs of today and i want to make sure that we finally fix our schools so the kids get the skills they need for the jobs of tomorrow. and, look, we -- we know what it takes to have great schools. this is not a mystery. we go around the world and we can look at school systems that
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are succeeding, we can look at those that are not. we can do so in our country. i'm proud of the fact that in my state the schools are ranked number one in the nation. how did that happen? let me tell you how it happens. the key to great schools, great teachers. that's where we have to put our focus is helping to get the best teachers and rewarding them for their excellence and we do that and you'll see our schools succeed and for that to happen, we have to make sure we put our focus on the kids in school, their parents and the teachers and put the teachers union behind. so number one, energy. number two, trade. number three, great schools and training systems to help our people have the skills they need. number four, number four, you're not going to get entrepreneurs to risk their life savings to start a business or big companies to build a new facility and start manufacturing products here. if they think we're on the road to greece. and this president has put us on
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the road to greece. these trillion dollar deficits, they lead to greece or italy or spain. they lead to economic crisis. we can't go there. and so in my first days in office, i will sit down and work to make sure we cut federal spending, we cap federal spending, and get us on track to a balanced budget. >> here he is, mitt romney, speaking in pueblo, colorado. we talked about how he will be in ohio. this is part of his swing through some key states, states he would like to have come november 6th. i want you to just look at this poll. as we look at this poll, peter hamby, i want to bring you in. here is this poll, the most interesting numbers down at the bottom, this politico poll, done with george washington university, finds that six weeks before the election, american voters pretty much made up their minds, at least they have for
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now. you see it is 3% of voters say now they're undecided, compare that to the number on the bottom right, 5%, that was 5% in august. and this particular poll shows a virtual dead heat, president with the 2-point lead over mitt romney. peter hamby, i heard romney say last night, he's tied with an incumbent, and as we mentioned, we're six weeks out before the election, he says that's a great place to be. and then i read this morning that, you know, historically speaking support for incumbents tends to rise as the election draws nearer, and thus the inverse, right, the support for a challenger wains. where does the romney camp see itself today? >> well, brooke, romney has a point, you know, he's running -- six weeks left in a campaign against historically vulnerable presidents. so, yeah, he's technically in a good place. but what he didn't mention is that poll after poll after poll after poll shows him trailing barack obama here.
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and another important point with all of this, my friend aaron blake wrote about this at the washington post, if you look at the national poll numbers, president obama's job approval rating keeps hitting the crucial 50% approval rating number. so if 50% of voters approve of the job president obama's doing, you know, chances are they're not going to throw him out of office. so president -- or excuse me, mitt romney has a lot of work to do here. like you pointed out, there is so few undecided voters left. not only does he have to sway those folks, he has to peel away a little bit of democrats and some of those folks that are comfortable with president obama right now. >> he's trying to do that right now, right, in colorado. we'll see him do that in ohio as well. but i want to ask you about taxes. because mitt romney is basically saying, reduce each tax bracket by 20%. so that would mean we would all be paying this lower rate of federal income tax. but he'll eliminate a number of deductions and he won't say which ones. here he was on "60 minutes". >> i will not raise taxes on
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middle income folks, i will not lower the share of taxes paid by high income individuals, and i will make sure that we bring down rates, we limit deductions in exemptions so we keep the progressivity in the code and encourage growth in jobs. >> and the devil's in the details, though. what are we talking about? the mortgage deduction, the charitable deduction? >> the devil's in the details, the angel is in the policy which is creating more jobs. >> so, you know, scott pelley asked him about the details. romney was asked point blank but wouldn't say whether he would protect the mortgage interest deduction specifically. president obama pledged to preserve that. here is a quote from the president here, this is when he was speaking at the dnc. quote, i refuse to ask middle class families to give up their deductions for owning a home just to pay for another millionaire's tax cut. peter hamby, that appears to be, you know, a pretty stark, you know, contrast. obama saying i'll protect the
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mortgage interest deduction. romney not really saying specifically either way. >> romney's been strikingly candid about -- he's been up front about saying i'm not going to release all the details of my tax plan, i'll wait until i'm elected president. he says that because the obama campaign, like they're doing now, they'll do it either way, will start to flog these specifics and demagogue them and take them out of context. back in april, in palm beach, at a fund-raiser, he said straight up, one thing we'll do is get rid of the mortgage interest deduction for high income earners. his campaign not realizing reporters were listening into the fund-raiser quickly walked it back. the fact that mitt romney is not being specific about what is in his tax plan is not something the obama camp is seizing on. the numbers don't add up here. and romney last night, you know, one thing he did say the obama campaign is seizing on today, he said he thinks he pays a fairer tax rate than middle class americans because, you know, he
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paid 14% tax rate largely capital gains and scott pelley asked him, do you think that's fair you pay a lower tax rate than someone making $50,000 a year and mitt romney said, yes, that's the way the economy works. so the fact that mitt romney is not being specific here, he says the obama campaign is going to attack him for that, they're attacking him already. so it is a lose-lose situation for romney here, brooke. >> it is a preview, though, a lot of people are writing and blogging today that that interview with scott pelley, both of them, president obama and mitt romney, as a preview of what to expect a week from wednesday, that first presidential debate in denver, colorado. peter hamby, thank you, sir, for us in washington. a lot more happening here this hour. roll it. >> the morning after pill in some high schools. how this is creating quite a stir in one of america's biggest cities. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. do you fear that war is
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imminent? >> piers morgan sits down with the man at the center of a nuclear standoff and the interview gets testy. plus, a multibillion dollar industry, but there are serious concerns now that a ragtag team of refs is disgracing the nfl. >> watch my lips. i'm going to say this to you so even a child would understand. no badge, no office. and two queens of comedy join me live. what carol burnett and vicki lawrence think of today's leading ladies.
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the morning after bill pi i known as plan b. a program has been going on in new york city schools and parents do not even need to give their child approval. the city's mayor addressed this issue today. >> the good news is we brought teenage pregnancy down, by i think something like 20% over the last ten years. the bad news is there is still
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an awful lot of girls who get pregnant at a very early age. >> alina cho, i want to bring you in, in new york, the story picked up some steam today, though this program, as mayor bloomberg pointed out, it has been going on for a little while. >> that's right. the mayor likes to say it is not news, brooke. it is news. it broke over the weekend here in new york. and it got a lot of attention. it is a pilot program called catch. it could actually be the first of its kind in the nation, and, you're right, it has been quietly going on since january of last year until the new york media got a hold of the story. so far, we can tell you that more than 1100 students and 13 high schools in the city have been given birth control pills, including the so-called morning after pill, known as plan b. that's the part that is really controversial. the city department of health says the schools in the program were picked because the students there were known to have a higher risk of getting pregnant and a lower access to health care. now, one of the schools involved, listen to this,
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brooke, actually dropped out of the program because students were overloading the medical office and the most surprising part, of course is that many parents may be clueless about it. as you mentioned, the children do not need permission from their parents to get these pills. the default is that they will be allowed to do so unless parents opt out of the program by signing a letter. the question is, are these parents actually getting the letters? we're told the letter was both mailed and sent home with students, but the department of health says no more than 2%, maybe 1% to 2% of parents have sent those letters back signed. under federal law, we should tell you that kids under 18 do need a prescription for plan b, if you're over 18, you can buy it over the counter. so how these kids are getting it, they're getting them from health department doctors here in the city at school. according to the cdc and the new york city health department, 46% of new york city teens have had sexual intercourse, that's just
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official numbers. 7,000 city krigirls get pregnany the age of 17. 90% are unplanned, nine out of ten. and 70% of them end up dropping out of school. they're doing this program to keep the kids in school, to keep the unwanted pregnancies from happening. the new york city health department also did release a statement saying, in part, quote, we are committed to trying new approaches like this pilot program in place since january of 2011 to improve the situation that can have negative consequences that last a lifetime. and, brooke, i should point out that one unnamed school staffer did say, you know, quote, we can't give out tylenol without a doctor's order, why are we doing this? and that is the question that people are asking. >> so back to this letter that you point out, you know, mailed to parents and also sent home to parents. if the parents don't actually return that opt out letter, does that then mean the kids, if they want this morning after pill,
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they can get this without mom or dad saying go ahead? >> yes, and without their knowledge in some cases. it is already happened in the case of the morning after pill, more than 500 times, and with all of the -- when all of the birth control pills are counted amongst these dozen or so schools, more than 1100 times since the pilot program was implemented. as you might imagine, parents are quite vocal about how they feel on either side. we spoke to some of them in new york just this morning. let's listen. >> if my child was -- if my daughter was a minor, yes, i would want -- i would want to know she did the plan b. >> i think they're going to get in trouble. at least the school can help them out some. >> i think that's absolutely fine. kids are going to have sex. they always have had sex. and they should have birth control available to them. >> i don't think that any kind of contraception including the
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morning after pill will alter teenage behavior. i'm the mother of a teenage boy and kids do what they want to do. >> given that the parents can't control whether she has sex or not, she certainly should be able to control that she doesn't get pregnant. i absolutely believe this is a wonderful thing. >> so there you have it, brooke. never a shortage of opinion on the streets of new york city, particularly about a story as controversial as this one. >> sitting here looking at my tweets as we have been having a conversation and people are definitely all over it. keep tweeting me. and i'll wondering, too, as with issues in new york, if what goes in new york we could then potentially see in the country, alina cho, it is possible. thank you very, very much, from new york. from baby boomers to the economy, what role should the government play in your life? the presidential candidates have differing views. we hear their thoughts next. begins with back pain and a choice.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ as president obama and mitt romney get ready to face off next week in the first presidential debate, we are sizing up both of these men's
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positions on issues including the size of government. here's tom foreman. >> here are three reasons why the federal government has grown bigger in the past few years. because the economy has crashed, forcing more people to rely on government programs like unemployment and food stamps. because the baby boomers started retiring, collecting social security and medicare and maybe because barack obama is president. >> the question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works. >> reporter: he believed that government is a positives for, that expansion is not bad and it serves to control what many consider the excesses of the free market. >> without the levening hand of wise policy, markets can crash, monopolies can stifle competition, the vulnerable can be exploited. >> reporter: he frequently cautions against unwarranted government growth, yet through the economic stimulus, health
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care reform and the auto bailout he sounded like another democratic president, franklin roosevelt, when the great depression insisted that government must protect economic rights. >> the right of every family to a decent home, the right to adequate medical care, and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. >> reporter: flash forward four decades and here comes another president with a very different view. >> government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. >> reporter: ronald reagan's perspective dominated republican thoughts on this matter for years, including mitt romney's opposition to barack obama. >> we have a very different approach, the president and i, between a government-dominated society and a society driven by free people, pursuing their dreams. >> reporter: romney insists the federal government should be smaller and less intrusive in terms of regulations and taxes. it should expand only when absolutely necessary, and that largely it should keep out of
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the free market. >> i line up with a smaller government, a less intrusive government, regulations being paired back. >> reporter: such views on both sides, of course, can make a difference, but here is the catch. for the past century, with few exceptions, the government has been expanding no matter which party has held the white house. more cabinet positions, more agencies, more spending per citizen, and much of that is driven by things like we mentioned at the start, population growth, economic trends and entitlements, meaning the question is probably not whether the government will keep growing under mr. obama or mr. romney, but rather how fast. tom foreman, cnn, washington. and from washington to pennsylvania we go. this controversial capital murder case out of there, question is should a murderer's life be spared because he, too, was a victim? that story is next. [ woman ] it's 32 minutes to go time,
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and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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now to this capital murder case in pennsylvania. there is absolutely no question about terrence williams' guilt. he murdered a man and in nine days he's supposed to die for that crime. but, his attorneys say williams' life should be spared because the man williams killed, he says, brutalized him as a young boy. is giving williams life in prison the right thing to do or is this all the final deception by a desperate man? here is cnn's jason carol. >> reporter: terrence williams may have less than two weeks to live. he sits in a pennsylvania prison waiting to find out if a court will stay his execution. in 1984, when williams was 18 years old, prosecutors say he lured a 56-year-old man, amos norwood to this cemetery as part of a robbery not, stripped him,
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and beat him up with a tire iron. a mitigating circumstance they say should have made williams eligible for a life sentence, rather than death. and they say the jurors, like diane brown, should have known about it. >> as if we knew about that, i think we would have definitely voted a different way. >> reporter: brown questioning why she and the other jurors were not told. >> i feel betrayed, actually, you know. like we weren't told -- now that i know more about this case and more about what happened, we weren't given everything that we needed to know to give this guy a fair trial. >> reporter: a hearing is under way to determine if a stay should be ordered, if the judge finds the state suppressed evidence. andrea folks, who prosecuted williams 26 years ago, now telling the court, did i suspect a sexual connection?
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yes, but i had no proof, i had not a scintilla of evidence tha mr. williams had actually had any sexual relationship with mr. norwood. the judge overseeing the hearing referred to folks' own notes where folks referred to norwood as one of williams' johns. the notes showed folks heard from others about possible incidents of norwood abusing boys. >> i didn't suppress evidence at all, never have, and i will never suppress evidence. been a career prosecutor for 36 years. >> reporter: also called to the stand, williams' admitted act polit accomplice, mike draper. draper alleged prosecutors told him not to mention a sexual relationship during the trial, and in exchange for parole. prosecutors called draper and williams' stories bold-faced lies. are the three of you confident this man should be put to death? >> the courts are the -- are
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the -- the agencies that decide that question. and the courts have decided it. this case, with these claims, has already been up and down all the available courts. >> let me bring jason carol in live for you in philadelphia. the real question i have, if these lawyers are arguing that this new detail about the sex abuse should help spare this man's life, where was that during the trial? >> reporter: well, that's a good question. and a lot of people are sort of asking the question, you've been following this case, brooke, why didn't the defense bring it up in 1984? the reason why that didn't happen back then is because williams was assigned his attorney and met his attorney the day before his trial actually got under way. and those who often deal with people who have been victims of sexual abuse say oftentimes it takes a while for the people to talk about that type of abuse. brooke? >> today's day three, jason, of
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this hearing, to see, you know if williams should not be execut executed. is this really his last chance to stop the execution? >> reporter: essentially, brooke it really is. and i want people to understand what is happening during this hearing. both sides are arguing their cases, prosecution and defense. it is not in front of abasicall common pleas court judge. she is the one who will ultimately rule. and there are several options that could happen here, brooke. she could stay the institution, she could temporarily stay the execution, and ask for a more -- a longer type of hearing to go into more facts, detailing the case, so there are a lot of options that could happen here. but essentially this is it for him. >> we'll follow it right there with you, in philadelphia, this week, jason. this man is quite literally fighting for his life. jason carol, thank you. also today, major nadal hasan, the psychiatrist charged in the 2009 shooting rampage of ft. hood, texas, has been admitted to the hospital. he's in good condition and the
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base isn't releasing any details about his health, but his court-martial had been scheduled to begin last month. you remember the story ark accused of killing the 13 people and wounding 32. but a series of delays prevented the military trial from getting under way. and in just a couple of hours from now, president obama sitting down with the ladies of "the view" and critics are blasting him for finding time to meet with whoopi goldberg, but not israel's benjamin netanyahu. reaction live at the u.n. next. ahhhh drill sound chirping electric shaver shaking remote tapping sound shaking drill chirping tapping shaking remote wouldn't it be great to have one less battery to worry about? car honking irping the 2012 sonata hybrid. the only hybrid with a lifetime hybrid battery warranty. from hyundai.
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big happenings in new york this week, president obama scheduled to speak to the united nations tomorrow, just one day before the president of iran will address the general assembly and our senior united nations correspondent richard roth is live there for me. and, richard, i know piers morgan has spoken ahmadinejad.
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>> he spoke today on another subject, not as paramount as his wednesday remarks. for the last few years western nations walked out when he usually questions how 9/11 occurred and various other statements about israel, a member country. it is almost a broadway show. you've seen ten times before, this may be his final appearance here, his second term in office is concluding. ahmadinejad will not be that loud or crazy, that's a caricature put up there. he knows how to speak at a diplomatic forum, but, yes, again, you should see people heading for the exits. >> as we look for that, there is some news coming out of secretary-general ban ki-moon who apparently has already warned ahmadinejad to tone it down, tone down his rhetoric. can you confirm that? >> yes, that has been said before, i think, when ban
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ki-moon visited tehran recently. i don't necessarily expect that to make a difference. i'm not sure the remarks were specifically about the wednesday speech, but in general when ahmadinejad implies that israel or directly says israel could be wiped off the face of the map or doesn't exist, they have been trying for years with this, and certainly with the atmosphere from the cartoon issue, the secretary-general is very angry and frustrated about all of these incidents happening and the damage it does and creates trouble in all of the hot spots of the middle east. >> i know piers asked him about that specifically. we'll play some of that sound in a bit. you mentioned iran and israel, at odds, perhaps an understatement and the u.s. over the nuclear program in iran, domestically, you know, there are some republican complaints out there that president obama has, you know, somehow found time to sit down with the ladies on the view while he's in town in new york, but he hasn't, you know, set a meeting with benjamin netanyahu of israel.
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is there any talk, any buzz at the united nations about that? >> well, they seem to understand that he's in a presidential campaign. i'm not sure they appreciate the talents of whoopi goldberg, but they're aware of the fact that the president can call his own tune. it is a little different that the leader of the united states is not having any, quote, bilateral meetings. anything can be switched or arranged. the israeli ambassador was more upsaid about ahmadinejad saying he's a serial holocaust denier and it is like having an arsonist in your house. so there are obviously big rifts at times between washington and israel over a variety of issues, and iran is at the center of that. >> richard roth for us at the u.n. thank you, richard. happening right now, as markets stay pretty flat today, look at this here, we can tell you about facebook, facebook stock down a whopping 9%. we're going to tell you why next. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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happening right now, facebook stock taking quite a plunge. it is down 9%. alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange. allison, why? what's behind the drop? >> well, you know what, it shows you the power of the media. over the weekend there was an article in the publication "barons" that said facebook stock price is over priced and should be closer to $15 a share. right now facebook shares are at $20.96. so what happened, well, trades on the nasdaq, it started
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tumbling. it tumbled at least 10% today. it tripped circuit breakers at the nasdaq and those circuit breakers are tripped to keep the stock from falling any more. the stock's come back a bit, it is now down about 8.3%. some traders are surprised by the tumble because the article didn't say anything new that they already didn't know that facebook, you know, has already faced a lot of criticism about not having a clear growth strategy. most of us access facebook on our tablets and on mobile devices and should facebook going to monetize this, how is facebook going to make money off its mobile users with advertising. that's nothing new. for some reason, this article over the weekend certainly spooked investors, he hthey dec to sell off facebook today. >> alison kosik, thank you. we're told there is some other bad news when it comes to facebook. we're getting dan simon up, he's our correspondent in silicon valley bureau. if you're on facebook, you need
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to pay attention. that's coming up in just a little bit. meantime, a comedy icon is going to join me in a matter of minutes. she is carol burnett. her tv show had america laughing for 11 years. she has now chosen, check this out, this is heavy this is a big old box set, 22 discs, funniest moments she's chosen. she'll share a couple of them with us. and she's brought along, there they are, hi, guys, some of her favorite friends. that's next. don't miss this. [ male announcer ] if you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air.
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at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter.
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what i treat for us today. carol burnett is a lot of things, like a comedy icon. ♪ >> who can make tarzan's famous call of the wild her own. she can also take a secretary -- >> come here. watch my lips. i'm going to say this to you so even a child would understand. no badge, no office. >> and turn the role in a showcase for the absurd. but most of all, carol burnett knows how to make you laugh.
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>> from television city in hollywood, it's "the carol burnett show". >> for 11 years, 1967 to 1978, she had one of the most popular shows on television, simply called "the carol burnett show," winner of, count them with me, 25 emmy awards, and take a look at this, i showed it to you a minute ago, this is -- this is basically what she herself and her team, they have chosen some of her favorite moment from all the different shows, put them together, this is a 22-disc box set. so, carol is joining me right now from new york, brought along some of her good older friends, co-stars from her show, vicki lawrence and tim conway. so, carol, vicki, tim, hello, welcome. i'm pinching myself at all three of you legends are sitting here joining me on the show. >> we wish you were here. >> i wish i was there as well. this will have to do. and, carol, let me begin with 11 years of shows, how the heck do
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you begin to choose your favorites? like choosing between children, your favorite children? >> no, that was tough. i think what it is -- i have a pretty good memory about some of the sketches that i really love, and i have a pretty good memory about is some of them i did not like. so i tried to do the ones that i could remember that had -- not the whole show might not have been that great, but there might be two or three segments that were really outstanding. and sometimes i would choose things because of a special guest and so forth, but i just remember some of the favorite ones that i had, so that's what we did. >> so let me just play one. this is one of the reoccurring exits. this was the family. we'll take a peek and then chat. >> hello, mom. >> hi, dear. >> what a surprise! and ann, well, it's been so
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long. it's been too long. >> long time, no see. how's tricks? >> tricks are fine, ed. >> oh, my. i cannot get over how small this place looks. isn't that always the way, eunice, when you've been away from a place for a long time? >> i wouldn't know. i come over here to visit mama fairly often, ellen. >> and i don't come over enough. what fun, you telling me,0 how conduct my life again. >> how did you keep this fresh week after week? >> they were so well written. they were politiclittle plays, beautifully written. the part of mama was written for carol and she didn't want it, i often said it was yet another gift from her. and i think the mother is dysfunctional mother, everybody nos
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knows, is the centerpiece of every family. >> let me play you something, you mentioned some of the big stars, huge at the time, some would go on to be really, really huge, like this guy. >> that's a sign of peace. >> ask him where he's from. >> steve martin, 1978, his wild and crazy guy phase. how do you keep a straight face when you're staring at steve martin or wearing that? >> i'm okay with that. where i'm not okay is with tim conway. >> tim, how did you keep a straight face? >> well, i'm a very compassionate actor, and have gone to many dramatic schools, and -- >> i see vicki laughing. she's laughing at you. >> he is the troublemaker. he was -- of all of us, the nonrehearser and the troublemaker. >> blame, blame, blame, yes. i enjoyed breaking up harvey
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because he is very poor performer and quite easy to break up. so we had quite a good time on that show. >> can we talk about the dress? let's talk about the dress. so iconic. >> i don't wear it anymore. and i like to -- >> hold on. let me -- people don't know what the dress is. roll the clip, guys. roll the clip. >> what brings you to tara? >> you, you vixen, you. scarlet, i love you. that gown is gorgeous. >> thank you. i sought it in a window and i just couldn't resist. >> carol, tell me this story, the back story, how did this dress come to be? >> the back story it was a wonderful sketch, a take off on "gone with the wind," as you know. so they had written that scarlett runs up the stairs with the draperies and then i would come back down with them, just kind of hanging on me, right? which would have been okay. but i went into costume fittings on wednesday, we taped on
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friday, and bob mackey said, i have an idea. our costume designer and sure enough i went in there and there he had the curtain rod, the whole thing, and i fell on the floor, i just said, well, this is probably going to be one of the funniest sight gags you could ever see. it was just genius on his part. >> who, this question really is to -- i love to hear all three of you weigh in, in terms of comedy, physical comedy and who today in 2012 you could see wearing a dress like that, i mean, who is performing right now that you really love? >> oh, gosh, man, tina fey, steve carell. >> steve. jane lynch. >> geez. >> oh, my gosh. >> amy poller. >> kristin chenoweth is wonderful. >> i have a neighbor that can be pretty hysterical. >> jon hamm. could you get me jon hamm and bring him here right now, please? >> i'll do what i can. can i, before i let you all go,
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carol, can i get the ear tug? >> oh, sure. i may pull this thing out that you put in my ear, but here we go. there you go. >> oh, wow. wow. carol burnett, vicki lawrence, tim conway, truly a pleasure and honor. thank you, all, so, so much. >> thanks, brooke. >> thank you, brooke. >> thank you, brooke. >> right now, some of the world's most powerful people, we just saw some of the world's funniest to the most powerful. they're in new york city, getting ready to meet at the united nations, including the man at the center of a nuclear standoff, iran's president sat down with piers morgan and the interview got very, well, provocative. we'll play a clip next.
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? iran' president doesn't speak to the united nations until this wednesday, as we mentioned, he is already talking to cnn. what he has to say is as provocative as ever. piers morgan sat down and got this exclusive interview with
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ahmadinejad over the weekend. one thing they talked about, the attempts for technology and a possible preemptive strike. >> if israel launches a strike against your country, what will your response be? >> translator: the response of iran is quite clear. i don't need to explain that. any question and any nation has the right and will defend herself, but my question is this, why should the world be managed in such a way that an individual can allow himself to threaten a rich and deeply rooted historical ancient country such as iran, a great country such as iran based on an excuse of his own fabrication. so anyone can do this. another country can say i am
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guessing that country is doing activity x, therefore i will -- >> do you fear, mr. president -- >> translator: i will attack that country. can this be a successful formula for the management of the world. >> do you fear war is imminent? do you fear there will be military conflict, perhaps even before the end of this year, between your country and israel? >> translator: of course the zionists are very much -- very adventure some, very much seeking to fabricate things and i think they see themselves at the end of the line. and i do firmly believe that they seek to create new opportunities for themselves and their adventurist behaviors. >> piers will join me live in a couple of minutes to talk a little bit more about this interview with ahmadinejad and make sure you watch his complete interview tonight, 9:00 eastern, right here on cnn.
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for months they have attacked each other on the campaign trail and soon they'll do it face to face. we're now getting a preview of what a debate will look like between president obama and mitt romney. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. as the investigation unfolds into the death of a u.s. ambassador, the obama administration defends itself against criticism. plus, it is a multibillion dollar industry, but there are serious concerns now that a ragtag team of refs is disgracing the nfl. and smokey robinson joins me live on why he and former president bill clinton are teaming up. and here we go, top of hour two, brooke baldwin, thank you for